Retroware Takes Fans Behind the Scenes of the Iconic Angry Video Game Nerd's Room

Retroware, in collaboration with Mega Cat Studios, has released a behind-the-scenes video documenting the painstaking process of recreating the iconic "Nerd Room" from The Angry Video Game Nerd series for MAGFest 2025 to showcase The Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit.

In the video, James Rolfe, the Angry Video Game Nerd himself, provides narration, walking viewers through the meticulous steps the Retroware team took to ensure every detail of the set was as authentic as possible. This included taking over 60 high-resolution photos of the Nerd Room’s signature wall of video games, printing them out, and carefully measuring each one to make sure they were true to the original set.

The video also reveals the construction of the Nerd Room’s centerpiece – an 8-foot wall made from two 4-foot segments, complete with period-accurate 70s-style wood paneling that mirrors the aesthetic of the original set from Rolfe’s iconic web series. Fans will also get an exclusive look at the process behind constructing this retro-inspired set, highlighting the level of craftsmanship and detail that went into making the booth a faithful recreation.

In addition to showcasing the booth’s construction and how the team at Retroware went about sourcing the perfect futon and entertainment center to complete the illusion of being in the Nerd Room, the video also features exciting new gameplay footage from Angry Video Game Nerd 8-Bit. The game, set to be published by Limited Run Games, will also be available on modern consoles, offering fans the chance to step into the shoes of the Nerd and take on his greatest rivals.

“I always wanted to recreate the iconic Nerd Room just for the hell of it, and this ended up being the perfect excuse.” said Justin Silverman, Creative Director at Retroware. “Plus, our team’s got a bunch of random skills—carpentry, painting, logistics, printing—you know, stuff we don’t really get to use when making indie games. So it was fun (and cathartic) to work those hard-skill muscles a bit.” He continued, “The fans at the expo were really into it, too. We had just announced the game right before MAGFest, so a lot of AVGN fans didn’t know that it existed yet. Then they’d walk into the expo and boom—there’s a full-on, free-standing Nerd Room right in front of them.”