I feel like I get emails all the time to check out Mokoko X. This game is on Steam and Switch and I was able to check out the Switch version. Mokoko X feels like an old-school arcade game like Qix. I think I said Breakout in the hands-on but mixing up arcade games is the least of this game's issues. There is voice acting but the actors don't have many lines so the dialogue is very repetative while you're playing. If you didn't know, Mokoko X is a game where you're saving cute girls from monsters by closing off spaces on a game board. There are 4 stages in each character's story so you'll have to try your best to save each girl. The puzzle aspect is harder than you might think as the 4th chapter/episode has you taking on all three monsters from the previous levels. My main issue with Mokoko X is that it crashes A LOT. I was playing on the Switch and I don't usually have games crash on me there but this game crashed about 5 times in an hour. I'm not really sure why the game crashed as there wasn't a lot of action going on during gameplay. At least you don't lose your saved gameplay when it crashes but that's a big red flag if the game has trouble getting through 4 levels of a stage. Check out my hands-on video below to find out why I'm giving Mokoko X a 6/10. I would again like to thank NAISU for the review code.